Travel is a fantastic way to build confidence! It reveals how much more you can do than you thought. An Everyday Carry will only increase your confidence. It will help you quickly work on things you might need help doing. You'll save time: Sometimes, you might not even need assistance to get things done, and it will save you from wasting time trying to find the right tool you need.

Everyday Carry was popularized by the survivalist and prepper communities. They're more commonly referred to as EDC; EDC is all the items one chooses to bring while out and about. The bare minimum is the things you keep in your pockets, on your person, and the things you want to have with you at all times. It's usually those items to address potential emergencies and things that provide you with security and comfort when away from home. For this blog, I will discuss the traveler's EDC and what I carry in my own EDC.
Crossing The Border
Your choices of what you carry in your EDC will significantly depend on where you are going and what you will have available when you get there. There are a lot of common EDC items that will not make it through security, like knives and other sharp objects. Additionally, consider the laws of the destination; for example, as of February 2020, Electronic cigarettes are prohibited in Mexico.

Planning Process
If you're a fan of traveling with carry-on luggage only, this is the blog for you, so without further ado, let's get into what I pack into my own EDC. A crisis at home is far different than if you're abroad. An example would be a scrap from an ATV ride, jumping into the Cenote while in Cancun, or getting a blister from that city walking tour. And don't forget those potential wardrobe misfortunes just before dinner.
Decide the needs you're preparing for so as not to pack everything. Is it just to get you from A to B or sustain you while in the Fench catacombs? You may take a wrong turn, or if your vehicle breaks down in the Arizona extreme heat?

They’re All On Amazon
All the following items can be found on Amazon, and I’ve included my Amazon Affiliate links for convenience. If you click on an item and purchase it within 24 hours, I will earn a tiny commission:
Bag -They should be the perfect size for you, waterproof, and of good quality:
Navigation Sources:
Google Map - Download area/destination onto your phone to access anywhere. Compass
Rite in the Rain Paper - To take or leave notes.
Medical Resources
Tool Resources
Victorinox Swiss Army Jetsetter Pocket Multi-tools - The scissors should be less than 4 inches if placed in carry-on bags.
Nice to Haves:
Finally, always be on the safe side and double-check guidelines before traveling! Regulations are not static and often change “Know Before You Go.” Your EDC should serve a purpose and empower you to do your best and help someone nearby.
For more details on what I have in my EDC Travel Ed. check out the Youtube video, and be sure to like and follow.